Exercitii Pentru Genunchi – Exercitii pentru rotula
In acest video vei vedea o miscare simpla pentru a mobiliza si lubrefia articulatia genunchiului. Daca nu intelegi in Engleza, voi traduce pe scurt cele mai importante puncte: In mod ideal, rotula trebuie sa se poata misca cu usurinta in 4 directii...
Nutrition, Exercise and Other Good Stuff Coming Up
In the next few weeks and months you'll see more of this stuff on tudorpangal.com In the past few years I've tweaked and perfect some of my favorite recipes. Now they're worthy of being shared with the world. 😀 What's even better,...
Hey There, Stranger!
Let's make sure we're not strangers anymore. I'm Tudor, and once in a while I come back here to write. In fact, that's exactly what I'm doing right now. So let me give you a summary of what you'll find in this blog, which is pretty much a...
Dragon Flyes [Video]
Doing a few reps just to see if I can. This is not part of any workout routine; I find the exercise kind of hard on the back, and not very beneficial for smoeone like me. It's just cool to know that I can do it and show off for a bit.