Creatine: Benefits and Dosage
Note: Most of the information in this blog has been taken from Martin MacDonald's site. If I include information from other sources, I will include links to those sites. When I hear about creatine, most people think of guys and gals who go to the...
Sourdough Bread Recipe
Ingredients for a medium sized loaf that will fit inside a 4.5 - 5 litre Dutch Oven. (yes, you'll need a Dutch oven to make a decent sourdough bread) Flour: 500g Water: 375g Salt: 10g Sourdough starter: 90 - 115g This dough will have a hydration of...
Romanian: Creatina: Beneficii si Dozaj
Notā: Majoritatea informatiilor din acest blog au fost preluate de pe site-ul lui Martin MacDonald. Dacā includ informatii din alte surse, voi include link-uri la acele site-uri. Când aud de creatina, majoritatea se gândesc la flācāi/fete care merg...
Simple Sourdough Starter
If you've never baked sourdough bread, you're missing out. I'll openly admit that I was afraid of failure, I kept putting it off and practiced on conventional bread made with yeast. That's not necessarily a bad thing... I think it helped me build...
Banana Muffins (with a vegan option)
Makes 12 small muffins or 6 medium/large ones. Recently I made two batches of muffins for my friends, who claimed they were really good. One batch was vegan, while the second one was made with non-vegan ingredients. Getting great feedback on both...
Trinidad Chicken Roti (Roti de Pui Stil Trinidad)
Daca ai avut contact cu bucataria din Caraibe, atunci Chicken Roti nu o sa-ti sune straniu. Dar daca nu ai gustat nici o mancare din bucataria lor, Chicken Roti e ocazia perfecta pentru primul contact cu bucataria din Indiile de Vest.Ingrediente:...
Simple Squash Stew
Whether or not you're a vegetarian, this simple stew will taste great, make you feel quite full and give you energy for a few hours. Here's what you need: 1 butternut squash, peeled, cut into small cubes 1 large sweet potato (or 2 medium ones),...
Softest, Fluffiest Coconut Flour Banana Bread Recipe
The first version of this recipe was from, and I loved it, BUT I wanted something slightly different. The original recipe had 5 eggs, which meant there was quite a bit of fat. Not a HUGE issue for some, but I would be happier with...